10. Mai 2024

qTest Presentation

The official presentation of the qTest test box, developed jointly by Doctor of Medicine Professor Torello Lotti in collaboration with Freedom International Group, took place in Rome on May 10 at the Guglielmo Marconi University.

qTest PresentationqTest is a diagnostic complex that uses salivary pH as a universal diagnostic biomarker. It helps to quickly and easily determine what micro- and macroelements the body needs to function harmoniously.

qTest Presentation

qTest PresentationThe author of the testing methodology himself, Professor Torello Lotti, doctor and secretary general of the Academy of the History of Sanitary Art Giuseppe Marceca, and the President of Freedom International Group Narek Sirakanyan acted as key speakers in front of a respected audience.

qTest PresentationqTest is the first such product in the scientific community and on the market, which experts consider a breakthrough in assessing human health.

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