28 maggio 2024

A Wellness Tour supported by Freedom International Group

Freedom International Group has announced the international promotion of its wellness line, which includes qTest, Coffeecell, and Project V.

Federico Morisio, world champion in acrobatic windsurfing, content maker, and ambassador of the oceans, will tour the main cities of Italy with the support of Freedom International Group.

A Wellness Tour supported by Freedom International Group

qTest, Coffeecell, and Project V will become the main brands promoting the company. These products were not chosen randomly because, according to the athlete, they offer ideal support for his surfing life, which actively occurs between Hawaii, Chile, the Canary Islands, and Sardinia.

One of the first large-scale events with his participation is the Rimini Wellness. This international event brings together the entire wellness community. On May 30th, the opening day, sports innovations, training, and the latest trends await all fitness and sports enthusiasts.

A Wellness Tour supported by Freedom International Group

Next, Federico will visit Venice, Turin, and Milan, where he will share his vision of life and sport during the tour.

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