Fate has no accidents

Big stories often start with close ones and emotional outbursts

Narek studied at one of Canada’s best universities, McGill, and at Harvard, the renowned American university.

The workload on the young man, who came from another country with the aim of becoming the best, was serious: it wasn’t his native language, there was a lot of new information, and the locals from wealthy families had an obvious handicap – they did not need to build their biographies from scratch.


Narek set himself the goal: to show top results and get a good position in a large investment bank in the future. To succeed, the student developed a complex and ambitious plan: to increase the number of hours spent studying twofold and, as a result, win the race to his dream. He simply needed to be more knowledgeable and capable of doing more.

Unlike his classmates, Narek wasn’t thinking about seductive parties (although are there really students that don’t want to have fun with friends?), but about the need to start standing firmly on his feet as soon as possible. Usually, fate rewards perseverance and loyalty to principles.

To have enough strength, emotions, perception speed and simply health, in conditions of overstrain, Narek decided to use ginseng

The properties of the root of life were known to the student since childhood. At one point, ginseng significantly helped his mother. As a teenager, Narek used ginseng to help himself figure out the school program in Canada.


It worked – he graduated high school with honors. He believed that, with organic support, his university plan would also be a success.

By following his strategy and strict daily schedule, in 4 years Narek ended up effectively working in university libraries and classrooms for 4500 hours more than other ambitious students. As a result, he became the best student showing results in the top 1% of graduates with a GPA of 3.97 out of 4.00.

Narek made it to Harvard. After getting his diploma, he obtained the position of a leading financial analyst at the London office of Switzerland’s biggest bank, Credit Suisse.


First of all, the impressive popularity of the brand is linked with the personal conviction of the creators themselves in the value of the product being developed; its useful power and dynamic potential to get the body healthy.

Thus, the idea of creating a delicious product that can support vitality, which "pulls out" hidden talents and also benefits health, has become a natural continuation of Narek's biography.

Afterward, Narek moved on to Rosatom where he was responsible for international corporate development and was the youngest top manager at the company. At each step of his brilliant career, Narek would use ginseng. When things got tough, when he needed to quickly make the only right decision, and even when he just wanted to look good and fresh, he would use ginseng.

Developing ginseng products that reveal new horizons for people obviously became one of the first business ideas implemented by Narek. The COFFEECELL brand is currently showing wonderful growth, expanding and surprising.


By the way, when translated from ancient Greek, one of the words that makes up the term “biography” means “life”.

So, the root of life is in its proper place here – fate has no accidents.

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