4. März 2023

Ideal skin without filters or fillers — the new reality with GS!

Ideal skin without filters or fillers — the new reality with GS!

Do you want to restore the natural glow to dull and lifeless skin? We have launched a new product from Project V—GS drinkable beauty ampoules—especially for you!

The advantage of the nutraceutical is its unique effect on the body; for example, it:

  • Reduces the severity of redness and pigmentation
  • Protects the skin structure from the harmful effects of the external environment
  • Slows down the aging process.
For effective and comprehensive skin care, you don’t no longer need a million expensive cosmetic jars and products. You get healthy hair and nails, fresh tone and glowing skin, and a restoration effect that you'll see from the first use. With you in mind, we have made the product in a convenient ampoule format. Use it anywhere and anytime: when you wake up, or while running to work, or to end the day with self-care.

The GS product is available from April 1, 2023 in all Project V stores!
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