12. April 2023

New 4 BILLION collection to commemorate Cosmonautics Day

New 4 BILLION collection to commemorate Cosmonautics Day

Our new limited edition “4Billion” collection by NRK87. is dedicated to Cosmonautics Day!

We offer stylish, practical, and safe clothing specially designed for space travel. "4Billion" - clothes we could wear to walk on Mars 4 billion years ago.

The collection is made with Tyvek, a material as unique as Mars. This nonwoven material is made from ultra-thin threads of low-density polyethylene. It combines the qualities of paper, film, and fabric. Despite its lightness, it is durable and resistant to mechanical and chemical exposure.

Whether you're an aspiring astronaut or a fashionable adventurer, join in celebrating this exciting event with NRK87.!

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