22. Dezember 2023

The next "Seriously" training by company President Narek Sirakanyan will take place in April 2024 in Tashkent.

Similar trainings were held in Moscow, Vienna, Tashkent, and Singapore; in total, more than 1,200 people have participated in them.

Seriously has three key points:
  • Lasts 5-7 full days and is filled with intense training, unexpected locations, and difficult tasks.
  • Participation is absolutely free (for the first time for us) - just register on the company’s website.
  • Training takes place in the form of competitions: from the very first day, a selection system is in place. No more than 10 people will reach the finals.
Finalists get the opportunity to work in our company. With "Seriously," there is always a winner who takes home the grand prize. For example, the winner of the training in Tashkent was awarded a trip to Bodrum with the company’s clients and became part of our team in Uzbekistan.
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