July 8, 2021

Grants from Narek Sirakanyan's "Growing Up Together" Foundation to help children with disabilities

Narek Sirakanyan's “Growing Up Together” Charity Aid Foundation has launched a grant program for marketing support to non-profit organizations working with children with disabilities.

The purpose of the competition is to provide targeted media and marketing support to regional NGOs that specialize in charitable assistance to children with disabilities.

The small grants competition is held in all federal districts of the Russian Federation, and each month the jury will determine one grantee in each of them. The winner will receive a service related to Internet promotion or media production. To apply for the competition, it is necessary to study the terms and conditions and fill out an electronic application form on the website of the “Growing up Together” Foundation.

Supplying the work of charity foundations with useful tools requires a systematic approach. We focused on marketing support for regional NGOs, which do not yet have sufficient resources and experience to conduct proactive work on the Internet and social networks to attract sponsors and public attention. As a donor, our Foundation will significantly expand the geography of promoting charity in the regions. The expertise that the competition projects will get will help, among other things, to pick out NGOs that provide systematic assistance to children with disabilities. For them, grants will become another incentive to organize truly high-quality projects for children with special needs, ”said Narek Sirakanyan, President of Freedom International Group and founder of the "Growing Up Together" Foundation.

You can get acquainted with the requirements for participants and the terms and conditions of the competition, as well as apply for participation, on the website: https://fondvv.ru

Narek Sirakanyan's “Growing Up Together” Charity Aid Foundation was established in November 2020 in the Freedom International Group ecosystem to provide free support to non-profit organizations specializing in helping children with disabilities. Helps charity NGOs to build effective public relations both offline and online. Its official website is https://fondvv.ru

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