July 16, 2024

On the waves of health with Project V

World acrobatic windsurfing champion Federico Morisio posted on Facebook about his collaboration with Freedom International Group and his first successes, which he credited to the brands' products.

Not long ago, Italian athlete Federico Morisio decided to start a journey with Project V, qTest, and COFFEECELL.

He shared this on his Facebook account, where he informs followers about new collaborations and new ways to improve their athletic performance and achieve their maximum potential.

While in Gran Canaria, between high jumps and strong winds, Federico tested Project V's natural supplements and was pleased with the results!

This year, the champion is counting on continued support from Freedom International Group and Project V because, according to Federico, our brand's natural products help support health, body, and mind, which is undoubtedly a key factor in his new victories.

On the waves of health with Project VOn the waves of health with Project VOn the waves of health with Project V

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